관리 메뉴

Antic Nomad

Umblical Cord - that means ... 본문

Da:isy ::: 일상

Umblical Cord - that means ...

isygogo 2009. 9. 28. 22:05
오래된 메일 정리를 하다가 발견한, 잊고 있었던 친구들의 이야기...
새벽에 나가야해서 좀 자야하는데, 20분만에 모기때문에 일어나서 하품만 하고 있다...
일 끝나고 집에 와서 바로 이사해야하는데... 내일저녁까지 버틸 수 있을까...
오만가지 생각으로 심란한 하루....  걱정을 안하는게 아니라, 걱정을 해도 방법이 없어서 걱정없어 보이는거라던 나츠메 소세키의 말이 팍 와닿는 하루.

You took pictures of his ashes. this gets into my beliefs, though theyr'e not really religious.
 i don't believe in god, and i don't believe in life after death.
i believe that my dad stopped existing when he died,
but it doesn't really make me sad.
well, he stopped existing "as" my dad,
but now he's ashes, and we're going to bury his ashes in the ground, so he
will be fertilizer for the flowers that come up next year.
in that way, i think that all life helps all future life grow and gives it a chance to
exist. that's very beautiful for me. and having his ashes at my house is a
constant reminder of him, so i think about him a lot.
it makes me comfortable to know he's there.
he's gone, but not completely.

you also took a picture of his flowers. i love flowers so much.
(in fact, i just turned forty, and i got a little picture of forget-me-not flowers (they're
tiny and blue--i like them a lot.) tattooed on my pinky finger to celebrate!
 i partly got them to commemorate my dad--"forget-me-not" flowers, get it?).
the flowers at my dad's funeral are just one more
reminder of him. i like reminders!

- Lynne Sunderman from Pittsburgh-

he letters- Grandpa is a World war II Chinese airforce, a retired Colonel, lives in the veteran's
village in Taiwan Tainan with his wife and hisgrandson - me.
I was with him from 4 months old til 17years old when I left home for college in Taipei.
This letter from him was sent to me in year 2001 when I left Taiwan for the first time in my life to have a
graduate study in US. That was the last letter I got from him.
He was too old to write and read anything since then.
The 86 year old man said in the letter, 'Grandparents are too old to take care of you now.
You are a smart but reckless kid. You are just arriving ina new country and a new environment.
You should watch yourself and your belongings well just as the way we have been watching you'

"the portray- Grandmom is my love, inspiration and motivation.
She never stops loving me for one day ever since I was with her when I was 4 month old.
Her love has brought the best out of me. She went to a private school in Hupei China yet never went through any official education.
She is nonetheless a well known poet for a specific classical poemaniac group.
I took her a picture before I went to US for biomedical study in year 2001. She was standing by the front door at home smiling at me as always.
This absolute and enduring scene has been carrying every bit of me to what I am now"

"the wedding - 1974, my parents got married. I stole this wedding photo from my mother who left me for US and divorced my father at my age 8.
She somehow still keeps these photos at home in Dallas. I stole one of those from her when we met in a thanksgiving gathering."

- Lee Wei Yang from Taiwn-
